itb-gcs-y2024-Competitive Bidding &amp



Prescribed Forms & 3-Strikes Policy

1st Opening Invitation to Bid and Bidding Documents of:

G-033-24 Supply/Delivery of Laptop and Computer Desktop

G-034-24 Supply/Delivery of Catering Services (Ordering Agreement)

2nd Opening Invitation to Bid and Bidding Documents of:

G-027-24C Supply/Delivery of Catering Services (Ordering Agreement)

3rd Opening Invitation to Bid and Bidding Documents of:

G-025-24C Supply/Delivery of Cellcards

Two-Failed Bidding Invitation to Bid and Documents of:

G-016-24 Supply/Delivery of Diesel

1st Opening Invitation to Bid and Bidding Documents of:

G-028-24 Supply/delivery of Vehicles

** G-028-24ย  Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 004-2024

** G-028-24ย  Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 005-2024

** G-028-24ย  Supplemental Bid Bulletin Addendum No. 005-A-2024

Two-Failed Bidding Invitation to Bid and Documents of:

G-016-24 Supply/Delivery of Fuel

1st Opening Invitation to Bid and Bidding Documents of:

G-033-24 Supply/Delivery of Laptop and Computer Desktop

G-034-24 Supply/Delivery of Catering Services (Ordering Agreement)

2nd Opening Invitation to Bid and Bidding Documents of:

G-027-24C Supply/Delivery of Catering Services (Ordering Agreement)

3rd Opening Invitation to Bid and Bidding Documents of:

G-025-24C Supply/Delivery of Cellcards

Two-Failed Bidding Invitation to Bid and Documents of:

G-016-24 Supply/Delivery of Diesel

2nd Opening Invitation to Bid and Bidding Documents of:

G-007-24C Supply/Delivery of Cellcards

Two-Failed Bidding Invitation to Quote and Documents:

G-207-23 Supply/Delivery of Glass Crusher

No opening

No opening

No opening


For PhilGEPS Opening: February 06, 2023 – Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 01, 2023 – Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 30, 2023 – Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 25, 2023 – Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 23, 2023 – Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 18, 2023 – Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 16, 2023 – Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 04, 2023 – Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

Prescribed Forms & 3-Strikes Policy

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 30, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-236-23

Bidding Docs. G-003-24C

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-196-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-231-23

Bidding Docs. G-232-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 28, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-226-23

Bidding Docs. G-004-24

Bidding Docs. G-005-24

Bidding Docs. G-006-24

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-201-23

Bidding Docs. G-205-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-221-23

Bidding Docs. G-222-23

Bidding Docs. G-224-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 23, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

ย Bidding Docs. G-235-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-002-24C

2nd Opening:

ย Bidding Docs. G-213-23

3rd Opening:

ย Bidding Docs. G-199-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 21, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-215-23

Bidding Docs. G-216-23C

Bidding Docs. G-217-23

Bidding Docs. G-228-23

Bidding Docs. G-234-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-231-23

Bidding Docs. G-232-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-203-23

Bidding Docs. G-208-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 16, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-226-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-233-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-196-23

Bidding Docs. G-221-23

Bidding Docs. G-222-23

Bidding Docs. G-224-23C

Bidding Docs. G-225-23

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-183-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 14, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-209-23

Bidding Docs. G-212-23

Bidding Docs. G-213-23

Bidding Docs. G-214-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-201-23

Bidding Docs. G-203-23C

Bidding Docs. G-205-23

Bidding Docs. G-206-23

Bidding Docs. G-208-23

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-193-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 09, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-228-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-227-23

Bidding Docs. G-229-23

Bidding Docs. G-230-23

Bidding Docs. G-231-23

Bidding Docs. G-232-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 07, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-215-23

Bidding Docs. G-216-23C

Bidding Docs. G-217-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-196-23

Bidding Docs. G-218-23

Bidding Docs. G-219-23

Bidding Docs. G-220-23

Bidding Docs. G-221-23

Bidding Docs. G-222-23

Bidding Docs. G-223-23C

Bidding Docs. G-224-23C

Bidding Docs. G-225-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-060-23

Bidding Docs. G-199-23

4th Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-166-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 31, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-209-23

Bidding Docs. G-212-23

Bidding Docs. G-213-23

Bidding Docs. G-214-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-192-23C

Bidding Docs. G-194-23

Bidding Docs. G-201-23

Bidding Docs. G-202-23

Bidding Docs. G-203-23C

Bidding Docs. G-204-23

Bidding Docs. G-205-23

Bidding Docs. G-206-23

Bidding Docs. G-207-23

Bidding Docs. G-208-23

Bidding Docs. G-210-23

Bidding Docs. G-211-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 26, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-196-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-199-23

Bidding Docs. G-200-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-193-23

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-166-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 24, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-195-23

Bidding Docs. G-197-23

Bidding Docs. G-198-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 19, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-194-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-190-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-179-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 17, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-192-23C

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-193-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 12, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-191-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-180-23

Bidding Docs. G-181-23

Bidding Docs. G-183-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 10, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-189-23

Bidding Docs. G-190-23

Bidding Docs. G-191-23 (Opening postponed to October 12, 2023)

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-175-23

Bidding Docs. G-179-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 05, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-186-23

Bidding Docs. G-187-23

Bidding Docs. G-188-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-166-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 03, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-180-23

Bidding Docs. G-181-23

Bidding Docs. G-182-23C

Bidding Docs. G-183-23

Bidding Docs. G-184-23

Bidding Docs. G-185-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 31, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-157-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-159-23C

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-138-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 29, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs: G-155-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-151-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 24, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-156-23

Bidding Docs. G-158-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs: G-068-23

Bidding Docs: G-136-23

Bidding Docs: G-141-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 22, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-145-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-152-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 17, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-151-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-138-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 15, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-139-23

Bidding Docs. G-153-23

Bidding Docs. G-154-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-068-23

G-068-23 (Prescribed Forms)

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 10, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-145-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-148-23

Bidding Docs. G-149-23

Bidding Docs. G-150-23C

Bidding Docs. G-152-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-136-23

Bidding Docs. G-141-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 08, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-138-23

Bidding Docs. G-144-23

Bidding Docs. G-146-23C

Bidding Docs. G-147-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 03, 2023

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-074-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 01, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-139-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-131-23

Bidding Docs. G-140-23C

Bidding Docs. G-141-23

Bidding Docs. G-142-23

Bidding Docs. G-143-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-132-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 27, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-138-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-136-23

Bidding Docs. G-137-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 25, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-134-23C

Bidding Docs. G-135-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-120-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 20, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-131-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-132-23

Bidding Docs. G-133-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 18, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-100-23

Bidding Docs. G-119-23C

Bidding Docs. G-130-23

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-109-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 13, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-127-23C

Bidding Docs. G-128-23

Bidding Docs. G-129-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-120-23

Bidding Docs. G-125-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 11, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-126-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 06, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-124-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 04, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-100-23

Bidding Docs. G-119-23C

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-097-23

Bidding Docs. G-120-23

Bidding Docs. G-121-23C

Bidding Docs. G-122-23

Bidding Docs. G-123-23

Bidding Docs. G-125-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-109-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 29, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-118-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-103-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-068-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 27, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-093-23

Bidding Docs. G-112-23

Bidding Docs. G-113-23

Bidding Docs. G-114-23

Bidding Docs. G-116-23

Bidding Docs. G-117-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-074-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 22, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-108-23

Bidding Docs. G-109-23

Bidding Docs. G-110-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-073-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 21, 2023ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL MEETING)

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-107-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 20, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-097-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-098-23

Bidding Docs. G-101-23

Bidding Docs. G-102-23

Bidding Docs. G-103-23

Bidding Docs. G-106-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 19, 2023ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL MEETING)

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-104-23

Bidding Docs. G-105-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 16, 2023ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL MEETING)

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-096-23

Bidding Docs. G-099-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 15, 2023

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-089-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 13, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-093-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-092-23

Bidding Docs. G-094-23C (CB through Ordering Agreement)

Bidding Docs. G-095-23

4th Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-068-23

Bidding Docs. G-074-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 08, 2023

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 06, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-081-23

Bidding Docs. G-086-23

Biding Docs. G-087-23

Biding Docs. G-088-23 (CB through Ordering Agreement)

Bidding Docs. G-089-23

Bidding Docs. G-090-23C

Bidding Docs. G-091-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-084-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 01, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-085-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-080-23C

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-074-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 30, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-077-23

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-068-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 25, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-082-23C

Bidding Docs. G-083-23

Bidding Docs. G-084-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 23, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-081-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-073-23

Bidding Docs. G-079-23C

Bidding Docs. G-080-23C

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-044-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 18, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-077-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-078-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-074-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 16, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-076-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-072-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 11, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-075-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-068-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-063-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 09, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-073-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-062-23C

Bidding Docs. G-074-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-044-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 04, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-072-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 02, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-067-23

Bidding Docs. G-068-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-059-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 27, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-062-23C

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-063-23

Bidding Docs. G-064-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-061-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 25, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-065-23

Bidding Docs. G-069-23C

Bidding Docs. G-070-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 20, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-067-23

Bidding Docs. G-068-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-059-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-058-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 18, 2023

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 13, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-069-23C

Bidding Docs. G-070-23C

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-071-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-061-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 11, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-065-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-054-23

Bidding Docs. G-057-23

Bidding Docs. G-059-23C

Bidding Docs. G-066-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-058-23

Bidding Docs. G-063-23

Bidding Docs. G-064-23

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-034-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 06, 2023ย  ย  ย (HOLIDAY)

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 04, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-023-23

Bidding Docs. G-061-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 30, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-054-23

Bidding Docs. G-057-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-063-23

Bidding Docs. G-064-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 28, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-059-23C

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-053-23

Bidding Docs. G-055-23

Bidding Docs. G-056-23

Bidding Docs. G-058-23

Bidding Docs. G-060-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-036-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 23, 2023

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-034-23

Bidding Docs. G-048-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 21, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-023-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-033-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 17, 2023ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL MEETING)

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-039-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 16, 2023

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-036-23

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-032-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 14, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-034-23

Bidding Docs. G-035-23

Bidding Docs. G-042-23

Bidding Docs. G-048-23

Bidding Docs. G-049-23

Bidding Docs. G-050-23C

Bidding Docs. G-051-23

Bidding Docs. G-052-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-033-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 09, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-045-23C

Bidding Docs. G-046-23C

Bidding Docs. G-047-23C

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs: G-019-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 07, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-026-23

Bidding Docs. G-029-23

Bidding Docs. G-036-23

Bidding Docs. G-039-23

Bidding Docs. G-043-23C

Bidding Docs. G-044-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-037-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 02, 2023

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-025-23

Bidding Docs. G-030-23C

Bidding Docs. G-032-23

Bidding Docs. G-033-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding docs. G-374-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 28, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-034-23

Bidding Docs. G-035-23

Bidding Docs. G-042-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-031-23

Bidding Docs. G-040-23

Bidding Docs. G-041-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-030-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 23, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-036-23

Bidding Docs. G-039-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-037-23C

Bidding Docs. G-038-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-019-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 21, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-026-23

Bidding Docs. G-029-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-025-23

Bidding Docs. G-032-23

Bidding Docs. G-033-23

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-014-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 16, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-030-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 14, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-031-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-016-23

Bidding Docs. G-019-23

Bidding Docs. G-028-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-022-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 09, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-024-23

Bidding Docs. G-027-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-014-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 07, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-025-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-017-23

Bidding Docs. G-018-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 02, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-016-23

Bidding Docs. G-019-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-022-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 31, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-016-23 (Pre-bid Conference postponed to February 02, 2023)

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-014-23C

Bidding Docs. G-020-23C

Bidding Docs. G-021-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 26, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-017-23C

Bidding Docs. G-018-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 24, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-015-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 19, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-014-23C

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 17, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-004-23C

Bidding Docs. G-013-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-009-23C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-006-23

Bidding Docs. G-007-23C

Bidding Docs. G-378-22

Bidding Docs. G-412-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 12, 2023

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-008-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 10, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-005-23

Bidding Docs. G-011-23C

Bidding Docs. G-012-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 05, 2023

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-009-23C

Bidding Docs. G-010-23

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-006-23

Bidding Docs. G-007-23C

Bidding Docs. G-412-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 03, 2023

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-004-23C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-374-22

Bidding Docs. G-378-22ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย 


For PhilGEPS Opening: December 06, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 29, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 22, 2022 (2nd Posting) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 22, 2022 (1st Posting) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 17, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 15, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 10, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 3, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 27, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 25, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 20, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 18, 2022 (2nd posting) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 18, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 13, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 11, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 06, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 04, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 29, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 27, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 23, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 22, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 20, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 15, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 06, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 25, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 23, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 18, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 16, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 11, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 09, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 04, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 02, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 26, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 21, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 19, 2022ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL NON-WORKING DAY)

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 14, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 12, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 07, 2022ย  ย  ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 05, 2022ย  ย  ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 30, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 28, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 23, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 21, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 20, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 16, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 14, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 09, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 08, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 07, 2022ย  ย ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 02, 2022ย  ย ย (NOTICE OF CHANGE OF VENUE) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 31, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 26, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 24, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 19, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 17, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 12, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 10, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 05, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 03, 2022 – HOLIDAYย  ย ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 28, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 26, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 21, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 19, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 14, 2022 – HOLIDAYย  ย ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 12, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 07, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 05, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 31, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 29, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 24, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 22, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 17, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 15, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 10, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 08, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 03, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 01, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 24, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 22, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 17, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 15, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 10, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 08, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 03, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 01, 2022 –ย Holiday (Openingย  dateย  isย  postponedย  toย  February 02, 2022)ย ย 

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 27, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 25, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/sย  with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 20, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 18, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 13, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 11, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 06, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 04, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

Prescribed Forms & 3-Strikes Policy

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 056-2022 (G-001-23, G-002-23C, G-003-23C, G-378-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 055-2022 (G-409-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 054-2022 (G-406-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 053-2022 (G-405-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 052-2022 (G-404-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 051-2022 (G-400-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 050-2022 (G-374-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 049-2022 (G-404-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 048-2022 (G-391-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 047-2022 (G-390-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 046-2022 (G-389-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 045-2022 (G-355-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 044-2022 (G-349-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 043-2022 (G-336-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 042-2022 (G-334-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 041-2022 (G-345-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 040-2022 (G-328-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 039-2022 (G-323-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 038-2022 (PR 1422-AM-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 037-2022 (G-317-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 036-2022 (PR 1392-AM-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 035-2022 (G-312-22C, G-314-22C)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 034-2022 (PR 1372-AM-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 033-2022 (G-312-22C)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 032-2022 (G-309-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 031-2022 (G-302-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 030-2022 (G-278-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 029-2022 (G-290-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 028-2022 (G-291-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 027-2022 (G-279-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 026-2022 (G-278-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 025-2022 (G-266-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 024-2022 (G-265-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 023-2022 (G-246-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 022-2022 (G-219-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 021-2022 (G-185-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 020-2022 (G-231-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 019-2022 (G-218-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 018-2022 (G-216-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 017-2022 (G-164-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 016-2022 (G-166-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 015-2022 (G-100-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 014-2022 (G-099-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 013-2022 (G-127-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 012-2022 (G-095-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 011-2022 (G-074-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 010-2022 (G-057-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 009-2022 (G-059-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 008-2022 (G-052-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 007-2022 (G-051-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 006-2022 (G-043-22)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 005-2022 (G-013-22)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 004-2022 (G-028-22)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 003-2022 (G-014-22)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 002-2022 (G-011-22)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 001-2022 (G-002-22)

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 29, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-008-23

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 27, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-005-23

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-006-23

Bidding Docs. G-007-23C

Bidding Docs. G-412-22

Notice of Addendum Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-374-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 22, 2022

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-394-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 20, 2022ย  ย  ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-001-23

Bidding Docs. G-002-23C

Bidding Docs. G-003-23C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-378-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 15, 2022

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-374-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 13, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-394-22

Bidding Docs. G-399-22

Bidding Docs. G-404-22

Bidding Docs. G-405-22

Bidding Docs. G-406-22

Bidding Docs. G-409-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 08, 2022ย  ย  ย (HOLIDAY)

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 06, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-374-22

Bidding Docs. G-396-22

Bidding Docs. G-400-22

Bidding Docs. G-401-22

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs: G-350-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-398-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 01, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-410-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-381-22C

Bidding Docs. G-389-22

Bidding Docs. G-398-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 29, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-394-22

Bidding Docs. G-399-22

Bidding Docs. G-404-22

Bidding Docs. G-405-22

Bidding Docs. G-406-22

Bidding Docs. G-409-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-390-22

Bidding Docs. G-391-22

Bidding Docs. G-403-22

Bidding Docs. G-407-22

Bidding Docs. G-408-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-365-22

Bidding Docs. G-366-22

Bidding Docs. G-368-22C

Notice of Addendum Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-343-22C

Bidding Docs. G-368-22

Bidding Docs. G-386-22C

Bidding Docs. G-364-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 24, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-374-22

Bidding Docs. G-396-22

Bidding Docs. G-400-22

Bidding Docs. G-401-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-397-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-371-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-364-22C

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 23, 2022ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL MEETING)

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs: G-402-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 22, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-381-22C

Bidding Docs. G-385-22

Bidding Docs. G-388-22

Bidding Docs. G-389-22

Bidding Docs. G-398-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-343-22C

Bidding Docs. G-382-22

Bidding Docs. G-384-22

Bidding Docs. G-386-22C

4th Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-302-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs: G-364-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 17, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-390-22

Bidding Docs. G-391-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-379-22

Bidding Docs. G-392-22

Bidding Docs. G-393-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-350-22

Bidding Docs. G-365-22C

Bidding Docs. G-366-22

Bidding Docs. G-368-22C

Bidding Docs. G-377-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 15, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-375-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-341-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 10, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-381-22C

Bidding Docs. G-385-22

Bidding Docs. G-388-22

Bidding Docs. G-389-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-371-22C

Bidding Docs. G-378-22C

Bidding Docs. G-382-22

Bidding Docs. G-383-22

Bidding Docs. G-384-22

Bidding Docs. G-386-22C

Bidding Docs. G-387-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-345-22

Bidding Docs. G-364-22C

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 08, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-366-22C

Bidding Docs. G-373-22C

Bidding Docs. G-377-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 03, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-375-22C

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-355-22

Bidding Docs. G-368-22C

Bidding Docs. G-369-22C

Bidding Docs. G-372-22C

Bidding Docs. G-376-22C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-361-22C

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-302-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-352-22C

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 01, 2022ย  ย  ย (HOLIDAY)

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 27, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-366-22C

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-363-22C

Bidding Docs. G-364-22C

Bidding Docs. G-365-22C

Bidding Docs. G-367-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 25, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-349-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-341-22ย  ย  ย  (NOTICE OF ADDENDUM)

Bidding Docs. G-346-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 20, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-360-22

Bidding Docs. G-361-22C

Bidding Docs. G-362-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-352-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-279-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 18, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-355-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-334-22

Bidding Docs. G-336-22

Bidding Docs. G-344-22

Bidding Docs. G-345-22

Bidding Docs. G-356-22

Bidding Docs. G-357-22

Bidding Docs. G-358-22

Bidding Docs. G-359-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-341-22

4th Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-324-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-327-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 13, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-339-22C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-346-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 11, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-349-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-342-22C

Bidding Docs. G-347-22

Bidding Docs. G-348-22

Bidding Docs. G-350-22

Bidding Docs. G-351-22

Bidding Docs. G-352-22C

Bidding Docs. G-353-22C

Bidding Docs. G-354-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-256-22

Bidding Docs. G-319-22

Bidding Docs. G-332-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 06, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-334-22

Bidding Docs. G-336-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-341-22

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-324-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-327-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 04, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-344-22

Bidding Docs. G-345-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-328-22

Bidding Docs. G-337-22C

Bidding Docs. G-338-22C

Bidding Docs. G-340-22C

Bidding Docs. G-343-22C

Bidding Docs. G-346-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-319-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 29, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-335-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-332-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 27, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-333-22C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-327-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-314-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 23, 2022ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL MEETING)

2nd Opening:

Biddingย  Docs. G-309-22

Biddingย  Docs. G-329-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 22, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-328-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-324-22

Bidding Docs. G-319-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-318-22C

Bidding Docs. G-292-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 20, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-331-22C

Bidding Docs. G-332-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 15, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-325-22

Bidding Docs. G-326-22C

Bidding Docs. G-327-22C

Bidding Docs. G-329-22

Bidding Docs. G-330-22C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-314-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 13, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-323-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-321-22C

Bidding Docs. G-320-22C

Bidding Docs. G-324-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-256-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 08, 2022ย  ย  ย (HOLIDAY Araw ng Digos)

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 06, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-312-22C

Bidding Docs. G-313-22C

Bidding Docs. G-314-22C

Bidding Docs. G-315-22C

Bidding Docs. G-316-22

Bidding Docs. G-317-22

Bidding Docs. G-322-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-302-22

Bidding Docs. G-318-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-276-22

Bidding Docs. G-298-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 01, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-321-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-167-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 30, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-281-22

Bidding Docs. G-306-22

Bidding Docs. G-307-22

Bidding Docs. G-309-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 25, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-317-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-318-22C

Bidding Docs. G-319-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-298-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 23, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-312-22C

Bidding Docs. G-313-22C

Bidding Docs. G-314-22C

Bidding Docs. G-315-22C

Bidding Docs. G-316-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-302-22

Bidding Docs. G-311-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-296-22C

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 18, 2022

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-167-22

Bidding Docs. G-256-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 16, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-281-22

Bidding Docs. G-306-22

Bidding Docs. G-307-22

Bidding Docs. G-309-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-298-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-279-22

Bidding Docs. G-292-22

Bidding Docs. G-293-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 11, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-302-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-304-22

Bidding Docs. G-305-22

Bidding Docs. G-310-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs G-282-22

Bidding Docs. G-296-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-100-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 09, 2022

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-279-22

Bidding Docs. G-308-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 05, 2022ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL MEETING)

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-218-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 04, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-299-22

Bidding Docs. G-300-22

Bidding Docs. G-301-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-279-22

Bidding Docs. G-292-22

Bidding Docs. G-293-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-303-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 02, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-278-22

Bidding Docs. G-294-22

Bidding Docs. G-295-22ย 

Bidding Docs. G-296-22C

Bidding Docs. G-297-22Cย ย 

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-100-22ย 

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-286-22

Bidding Docs. G-288-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 28, 2022 – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 26, 2022

1st Opening:ย 

Bidding Docs. G-278-22ย  ย  ย  (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

Bidding Docs. G-279-22

Bidding Docs. G-290-22

Bidding Docs. G-291-22

Bidding Docs. G-292-22

Bidding Docs.ย  G-293-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 21, 2022

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-286-22

Bidding Docs. G-288-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-238-22

Bidding Docs. G-268-22C

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 19, 2022ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL NON-WORKING DAY)

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 14, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-290-22

Bidding Docs. G-291-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 12, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-278-22

Bidding Docs. G-279-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-277-22

Bidding Docs. G-283-22

Bidding Docs. G-286-22

Bidding Docs. G-287-22C

Bidding Docs. G-288-22

Bidding Docs. G-289-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-185-22

Bidding Docs. G-072-22

Bidding Docs. G-240-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 07, 2022ย  ย  ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 05, 2022ย  ย  ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-285-22C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-270-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-234-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 30, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-277-22

Bidding Docs. G-283-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-282-22

Bidding Docs. G-284-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-238-22

Bidding Docs. G-268-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-211-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 28, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-280-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-240-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-262-22

Bidding Docs. G-275-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 23, 2022

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 21, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-268-22C

Bidding Docs. G-269-22

Bidding Docs. G-270-22

Bidding Docs. G-273-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 20, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-265-22

Bidding Docs. G-266-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-276-22

Bidding Docs. G-228-22

Bidding Docs. G-162-22

Bidding Docs. G-232-22

Bidding Docs. G-167-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 16, 2022

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-256-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 14, 2022

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-185-22

Bidding Docs. G-262-22

Bidding Docs. G-263-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-138-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 09, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-268-22C

Bidding Docs. G-269-22

Bidding Docs. G-270-22

Bidding Docs. G-273-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-267-22

Bidding Docs. G-271-22

Bidding Docs. G-272-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-274-22

Bidding Docs. G-275-22


For PhilGEPS Opening: June 08, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-265-22

Bidding Docs. G-266-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 07, 2022ย  ย  (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-246-22

Bidding Docs. G-255-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 02, 2022ย  ย  (NOTICE OF CHANGE OF VENUE)

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-260-22C

Bidding Docs. G-262-22

Bidding Docs. G-263-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-256-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-167-22

Bidding Docs. G-138-22

Bidding Docs. G-264-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 31, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-245-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-261-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 26, 2022

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-250-22

Bidding Docs. G-251-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 24, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-246-22

Bidding Docs. G-255-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-185-22

Bidding Docs. G-219-22

Bidding Docs. G-220-22

Bidding Docs. G-238-22C

Bidding Docs. G-256-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-138-22ย  ย  ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

Bidding Docs. G-162-22

Bidding Docs. G-177-22

Bidding Docs. G-140-22

Bidding Docs. G-141-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-241-22

Bidding Docs. G-257-22

Bidding Docs. G-258-22

Bidding Docs. G-259-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 19, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-245-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-252-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-167-22

Bidding Docs. G-228-22

Bidding Docs. G-229-22

Bidding Docs. G-230-22

Bidding Docs. G-138-22

Bidding Docs. G-164-22

Bidding Docs. G-177-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 17, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-218-22

Bidding Docs. G-231-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-253-22

Bidding Docs. G-072-22

Bidding Docs. G-173-22

Bidding Docs. G-251-22C

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 12, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-238-22C

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-239-22

Bidding Docs. G-240-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-247-22

Bidding Docs. G-248-22

Bidding Docs. G-249-22

Bidding Docs. G-250-22

Bidding Docs. G-251-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 10, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-185-22

Bidding Docs. G-219-22

Bidding Docs. G-220-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-197-22

Bidding Docs. G-216-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-232-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 05, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-218-22

Bidding Docs. G-231-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-138-22

Bidding Docs. G-139-22

Bidding Docs. G-164-22

Bidding Docs. G-167-22

Bidding Docs. G-175-22

Bidding Docs. G-177-22

Bidding Docs. G-227-22

Bidding Docs. G-228-22

Bidding Docs. G-229-22C

Bidding Docs. G-230-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-072-22

Bidding Docs. G-143-22

Bidding Docs. G-173-22

3rd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-226-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-233-22

Bidding Docs. G-234-22

Bidding Docs. G-235-22

Bidding Docs. G-236-22C


Bidding Docs. G-241-22

Bidding Docs. G-242-22

Bidding Docs. G-243-22

Bidding Docs. G-244-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 03, 2022 – HOLIDAYย  ย  (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 28, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-197-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-221-22

Bidding Docs. G-222-22

Bidding Docs. G-223-22

Bidding Docs. G-224-22

Bidding Docs. G-225-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 26, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-216-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-217-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 21, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-164-22

Bidding Docs. G-175-22

Bidding Docs. G-177-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-176-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-205-22

Bidding Docs. G-206-22

Bidding Docs. G-207-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-208-22

Bidding Docs. G-209-22

Bidding Docs. G-210-22

Bidding Docs. G-211-22

Bidding Docs. G-212-22

Bidding Docs. G-213-22

Bidding Docs. G-214-22

Bidding Docs. G-215-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 19, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-138-22

Bidding Docs. G-139-22

Bidding Docs. G-167-22

Bidding Docs. G-185-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-100-22

Bidding Docs. G-143-22

Bidding Docs. G-165-22

Bidding Docs. G-166-22

Bidding Docs. G-173-22C

Bidding Docs. G-174-22C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-189-22

Bidding Docs. G-190-22

Bidding Docs. G-191-22

Bidding Docs. G-192-22

Bidding Docs. G-193-22

Bidding Docs. G-194-22C

Bidding Docs. G-195-22

Bidding Docs. G-196-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-198-22

Bidding Docs. G-199-22

Bidding Docs. G-200-22

Bidding Docs. G-201-22

Bidding Docs. G-202-22

Bidding Docs. G-203-22

Bidding Docs. G-204-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 14, 2022 – HOLIDAYย  ย  (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 12, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs G-124-22

Bidding Docs G-125-22

Bidding Docs G-136-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs G-184-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs G-187-22

Bidding Docs G-188-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 07, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-164-22

Bidding Docs. G-165-22

Bidding Docs. G-166-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-160-22C

Bidding Docs. G-161-22C

Bidding Docs. G-162-22

Bidding Docs. G-163-22

Bidding Docs. G-180-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-170-22

Bidding Docs. G-171-22

Bidding Docs. G-172-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-179-22

Bidding Docs. G-181-22

Bidding Docs. G-183-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 05, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-100-22

Bidding Docs. G-140-22

Bidding Docs. G-141-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-098-22

Bidding Docs. G-099-22

Bidding Docs. G-127-22

Bidding Docs. G-142-22

Bidding Docs. G-144-22

Bidding Docs. G-154-22C

Bidding Docs. G-155-22C

Bidding Docs. G-156-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-149-22

Bidding Docs. G-150-22

Bidding Docs. G-151-22C

Bidding Docs. G-152-22

Bidding Docs. G-153-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-168-22

Bidding Docs. G-169-22

Bidding Docs. G-182-22C

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 31, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-124-22

Bidding Docs. G-125-22

Bidding Docs. G-136-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-145-22

Bidding Docs. G-146-22

Bidding Docs. G-147-22C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-137-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-148-22

Bidding Docs. G-157-22

Bidding Docs. G-158-22

Bidding Docs. G-159-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 29, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-074-22

Bidding Docs. G-095-22

Bidding Docs. G-097-22

Bidding Docs. G-105-22

Bidding Docs. G-106-22

Bidding Docs. G-107-22

Bidding Docs. G-132-22

Bidding Docs. G-135-22C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-128-22

Bidding Docs. G-129-22C

Bidding Docs. G-130-22C

Bidding Docs. G-133-22C

Bidding Docs. G-134-22C

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 24, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-098-22

Bidding Docs. G-099-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-108-22

Bidding Docs. G-109-22

Bidding Docs. G-122-22C

Bidding Docs. G-123-22

Bidding Docs. G-126-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-131-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 22, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

ย Bidding Docs. G-127-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-121-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-110-22C

Bidding Docs. G-111-22

Bidding Docs. G-112-22

Bidding Docs. G-114-22C

Bidding Docs. G-115-22

Bidding Docs. G-116-22

Bidding Docs. G-117-22C

Bidding Docs. G-118-22C

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 17, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-105-22

Bidding Docs. G-106-22

Bidding Docs. G-107-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-102-22C

Bidding Docs. G-103-22C

Bidding Docs. G-104-22C

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-119-22

Bidding Docs. G-120-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 15, 2022

Pre-Bid Conference:

Bidding Docs. G-074-22

Bidding Docs. G-095-22

Bidding Docs. G-097-22

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-057-22

Bidding Docs. G-072-22

Bidding Docs. G-076-22

Bidding Docs. G-079-22C

Bidding Docs. G-093-22C

Bidding Docs. G-094-22

Bidding Docs. G-096-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 10, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-077-22

Bidding Docs. G-078-22C

Bidding Docs. G-092-22C

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-088-22

Bidding Docs. G-089-22C

Bidding Docs. G-090-22

Bidding Docs. G-091-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 08, 2022

1st Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-030-22

Bidding Docs. G-052-22

Bidding Docs. G-058-22

Bidding Docs. G-059-22

Bidding Docs. G-060-22

Bidding Docs. G-061-22

Bidding Docs. G-062-22C

Bidding Docs. G-083-22

Bidding Docs. G-084-22

2nd Opening:

Bidding Docs. G-082-22

Two-Failed Biddings:

Bidding Docs. G-080-22

Bidding Docs. G-081-22

Bidding Docs. G-085-22

Bidding Docs. G-086-22

Bidding Docs. G-087-22

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 03, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 01, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 24, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 22, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 17, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 15, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 10, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 08, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 03, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 01, 2022 – HOLIDAY (Openingย  dateย  isย  postponedย  toย  February 02, 2022)ย –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 27, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 25, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 20, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 18, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 13, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 11, 2022 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 06, 2022 – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 04, 2022 – No Competitive Bidding


For PhilGEPS Opening: December 06, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 29, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 22, 2022 (2nd Posting) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 22, 2022 (1st Posting) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 17, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 15, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 10, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 3, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 27, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 25, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 20, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 18, 2022 (2nd posting) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 18, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 13, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 11, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 06, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 04, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 29, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 27, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 23, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 22, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 20, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 15, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 06, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 25, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 23, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 18, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 16, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 11, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 09, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 04, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 02, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 26, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 21, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 19, 2022ย  ย  ย (SPECIAL NON-WORKING DAY)

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 14, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 12, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 07, 2022ย  ย  ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 05, 2022ย  ย  ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 30, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 28, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 23, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 21, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 20, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 16, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 14, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 09, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 08, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 07, 2022ย  ย ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 02, 2022ย  ย ย (NOTICE OF CHANGE OF VENUE) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 31, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 26, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 24, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 19, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 17, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 12, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 10, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 05, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 03, 2022 – HOLIDAYย  ย ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 28, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 26, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 21, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 19, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 14, 2022 – HOLIDAYย  ย ย (NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT)

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 12, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 07, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 05, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 31, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 29, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 24, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 22, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 17, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 15, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 10, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 08, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 03, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 01, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 24, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 22, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 17, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 15, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 10, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 08, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 03, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 01, 2022 –ย Holiday (Openingย  dateย  isย  postponedย  toย  February 02, 2022)ย ย 

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 27, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 25, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/sย  with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 20, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 18, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 13, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 11, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 06, 2022 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 04, 2022 – No Request for Quotation/s

Notice of Postponement

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 024-2021 (G-308-21)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 023-2021 (G-308-21)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 022-2021 (G-306-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 021-2021 (G-305-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 020-2021 (G-304-21)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 019-2021 (G-292-21)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 018-2021 (G-226-21)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 017-2021 (G-212-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 016-2021 (G-207-21C, G-210-21, G-211-21)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 015-2021 (G-200-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 014-2021 (G-176-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 013-2021 (G-203-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 012-2021 (G-177-21)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 011-2021 (G-162-21, G-165-21)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 010-2021 (G-117-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 009-2021 (G-143-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 008-2021 (G-105-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 007-2021 (G-114-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 006-2021 (G-114-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 005-2021 (G-093-21, G-095-21, G-070-21C)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 004-2021 (G-081-21)

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 003-2021 (G-026-21C)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 002-2021 (G-006-21)ย 

Supplemental Bid Bulletinย Addendum No. 001-2021 (G-007-21)

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 30, 2021 – Holiday

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 28, 2021 – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 23, 2021– No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 21, 2021ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 16, 2021ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 14, 2021ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 09, 2021ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 07, 2021ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 02, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/sย  with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 30, 2021 – Holiday

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 25, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/sย  with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 23, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 18, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 16, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 11, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 09, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 04, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 02, 2021ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 28, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 26, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 21, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 19, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 14, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 12, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 07, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 05, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 30, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 28, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 23, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 21, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 16, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 14, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 09, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 07, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 02, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 31, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 26, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 24, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 19, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 17, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 12, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 10, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 05, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 03, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 29, 2021 –ย No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 27, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 22, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 20, 2021 – Holiday (Openingย  dateย  isย  postponedย  toย  July 22,ย  2021) –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 15, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 13, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 08, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 06, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s withย  Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 01, 2021ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 29, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 23, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 17, 2021 (Opening date is postponed to June 24, 2021) –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 15, 2021 (Opening date is postponed to June 23, 2021) –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 11, 2021 (Opening date is postponed to June 15, 2021)ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 10, 2021 (Opening date is postponed to June 11, 2021) –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 08, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 03, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 01, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 27, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 25, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 20, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 18, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 13, 2021 – Holiday (Openingย  dateย  isย  postponedย  toย  Mayย  18,ย  2021) –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 11, 2021ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 07, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 05, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 30, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 28, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 23, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 21, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 16, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 14, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 09, 2021 – Holiday

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 07, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 31, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s withย  Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 26, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 24, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 19, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 17, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 12, 2021ย – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 10, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 05, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 03, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 26, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 24, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 19, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 17, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 10, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 05, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 03, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 29, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 27, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 22, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 20, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 15, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 13, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 08, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 06, 2021 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request


For PhilGEPS Opening: December 30, 2021 – Holiday

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 28, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 23, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 21, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 16, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 14, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/sย  with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 09, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 07, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/sย  with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 02, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 30, 2021 – Holiday

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 25, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 23, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 18, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 16, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 11, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 09, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 04, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 02, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 28, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 26, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 21, 2021 –ย No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 19, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 14, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 12, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 07, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 05, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 30, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 28, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 23, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 21, 2021 –ย 

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 16, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 14, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 09, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 07, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: September 02, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 31, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 26, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 24, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 19, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 17, 2021ย Invitation to Quote/s wit Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 12, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 10, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 05, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: August 03, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 29, 2021 –ย No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 27, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 22, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 20, 2021 – Holiday (Openingย  dateย  isย  postponedย  toย  July 22,ย  2021) – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 15, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 13, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 08, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 06, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: July 01, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 29, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 23, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 17, 2021 (Opening date is postponed to June 24, 2021) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 15, 2021 (Opening date is postponed to June 23, 2021) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 11, 2021 (Opening date is postponed to June 15, 2021) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 10, 2021 (Opening date is postponed to June 11, 2021) –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 08, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 03, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: June 01, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 27, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 25, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 20, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 18, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 13, 2021 – Holiday (Openingย  dateย  isย  postponedย  toย  Mayย  18,ย  2021) – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 11, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 07, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: May 05, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 30, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 28, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 23, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 21, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 16, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 14, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 09, 2021 – Holiday

For PhilGEPS Opening: April 07, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 31, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 26, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 24, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 19, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 17, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 12, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 10, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 05, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: March 03, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 26, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 24, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 19, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 17, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 10, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 05, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: February 03, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 29, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 27, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 22, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 20, 2021 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 15, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 13, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 08, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: January 06, 2021 – No Request for Quotation/s

Supplemental Bid Bulletin

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 23, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 18, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 16, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 11, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 09, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 04, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 02, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 27, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 25, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 20, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 18, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 13, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 11, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 06, 2020 – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 04, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 30, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 28, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 23, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 21, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 16, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 14, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 09, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 07, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request


For PhilGEPS Opening: December 23, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 18, 2020 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 16, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 11, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 09, 2020 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 04, 2020 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: December 02, 2020 – No Request for Quotation/s

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 27, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 25, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 20, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 18, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 13, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 11, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 06, 2020 – No Competitive Bidding

For PhilGEPS Opening: November 04, 2020 –ย Invitation to Bid/s with Purchase Request

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 30, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 28, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 23, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 21, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 16, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 14, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quotes/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 09, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation

For PhilGEPS Opening: October 07, 2020 –ย Invitation to Quote/s with Request for Quotation